Quite a lot of books are being published about photography. These are also one of the information sources I like to improve my photography, next to the internet discussion forums and practical experience.
Here are a few books that I have read and that I found useful. I have many other books and I will keep adding books in the future. Of course, in this internet world, if you want to order those books, you'll most probably be able to find them on sites like www.amazon.com, up to you to decide if you like real world bookshops or on-line shops.
Another thing, I speak several languages, and I mention books in several languages as well, I'll post a selection of English, French, Dutch and German books.
For magazines you can also look here.
The English books
This one is my favorite book about lighting techniques (finding the right light, studio equipment, Photoshop post processing) - very highly recommended.
A very good book for beginners, based on the Nikon D70 camera (many examples are based on specific functions/menus/possibilities of that camera. An excellent introduction to DSLR photography.
An introduction to the Creative Lighting System of Nikon with a lot of examples - really useful for those who want to read something simple to understand the complexity and the possibilities of the CLS.
The book describing the possibilities of the camera I am currently dreaming of. A number of tips are applicable to the D200 as well.
Just an impressive collection of superb pictures. Very good inspiration. Simple wonderful book.
Excellent reference with a lot of examples for landscape, nature and wildlife photography.
A very nice small book about my favorite destination as a tourist. Old photographs and history of the discovery of the Canadian Rockies, the railway, Lake Louise, the tourism, the Swiss mountaineers... highly recommended for the fans of that region.
And after the historical book, a superb small book with tip and tricks on how to photograph that superb region. A bit discouraging :D, because normal photographers will never achieve what the author has been able to do... (just kidding, I mean the book is full of marvelous pictures)
This is an interesting introduction to wedding photography - nothing very special but it gives good examples and a number of interesting ideas. Easy to read.
A very nice book for pro photographers who want to improve their marketing and communication.
The French books (comments in French) - Les livres en francais
Pour moi la meilleure référence traitant de la photo numérique, avec des tonnes d'informations pratiques et théoriques, très intéressant et plein d'exemples concrets. Pour les débutants et utilisateurs un peu plus avancés.
Un des excellents livres du National Geographic - celui est consacré, comme son nom l'indique, aux paysages
Le noir et blanc
Photographie en général
Un excellent livre sur le D70 et la photographie / pour les amateurs qui veulent en savoir plus
Un tres bouquin généraliste sur la photographie et le D70, complémentaire du précédent
Même chose pour le D200
Un des meilleurs bouquins sur l'éclairage
Un des bouquins de référence sur la théorie de la photographie, ici le volume parlant de l´argentique.
Un des bouquins de référence sur la théorie de la photographie, ici le volume parlant du numérique.