The Singapore Zoo

I have been visiting the Singapore zoo some time ago, and I just wanted to share a few pics, all taken with my favourite P&S camera, the Nikon D200 with the 18-200VR lens, a pretty good combo for that kind of photography.

Here we go...

#1 inter species communication...

#2 found a new toy (don't understand how those bears can stand the heat and 100% humidity over there)

#3 looking for a companion

#4 life in a zoo is so stressful

#5 going to the gym

#6 looking for something

#7 what did I do wrong ?

#8 the environment itself is superb in that zoo

#9 difficult shot, very low light through a glass window

#10 are you looking at me ?

#11 sleeping beauty

#12 a few artefacts - 1

#13 a few artefacts - 2

#14 blue eyes - fabulous white tigers

#15 enjoying lunch

#16 lunch time - 2

#17 and the last one - just a big cat

I shot tons of pics - some more of Singapore to be found here

Singapore Gallery

Hope you have enjoyed the tour